Career Advice

Category: Career Advice

cookie-cutter resume
Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

paNASH Success Story: Client finds job after just 4 sessions

Since transitioning from a fasionista to a “passionista” in the first quarter of 2016, I am already seeing success in my new clients’ pursuit of their passions, especially when it comes to their careers. For instance, last week one of my clients who has been out of a work for

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Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

3 Excuses Keeping You In Your Comfort Zone

Yesterday I read a great post by Nashville’s own Allison Fallon entitled “3 Excuses That Keep Smart, Creative People Trapped.” I wanted to share her insights here because they’re so relevant for my readers. When considering taking on a new coaching client, one of the questions I ask in the

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Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

Strive For Completion, Not Perfection

In coaching clients on how to answer commonly asked interview questions, I always tell them not to use the canned answer, “I’m too much of a perfectionist,” for the “What is your greatest weakness?” question for several reasons. One, it’s just that, a “canned answer” and recruiters know that. They’ve

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Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

New to Nashville?

Nashville’s paNASH Announces Integrative Services for New Residents NASHVILLE, Tenn. (March 22nd, 2016) – Passion and Career Specialist Lori Bumgarner announced her company, paNASH, will now offer relocation support through a new program entitled the New To Nashville Track. This program provides a myriad of focused sessions meant to limit

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Overcoming Fear
Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

Overcoming Fear

Whether it’s fear of failure, fear of the unknown, or even fear of success, we all have experienced fear in some shape or form. For some of us, our fears have been so powerful they have kept us from getting the things we want most, including love, adventure, success, financial

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learning zone
Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

From the Comfort Zone to the Learning Zone

Last week I shared with you a diagram of circles that pinpoint the ideal “Sweet Spot” for your purpose in life and work. However, to arrive at that “sweet spot,” there are some zones you have to go through. The Comfort Zone You’ve often heard the phrase “get out of

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sweet spot of your purpose
Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

Finding The SWEET SPOT Of Your Purpose

What is the SWEET SPOT of your purpose? In last week’s blog we talked about the 11 benefits of pursuing your passions, including one particular benefit:  fulfillment of your vocational purpose(s). Like I stated last week, it is so very rewarding and fulfilling when you are doing the things you

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Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

11 Benefits Of Pursuing Your Passions

Last week, I talked about what it means to be “passion poor” (feelings of hunger and emptiness when we are living without passion). This week, I want to talk about what “passion rich” looks like. It includes all the benefits of pursuing your passions. Benefits that come from living a

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Passion Poor
Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

Passion Poor

Last year, an article written by Lauren Martin on entitled “7 Types Of Broke You Need To Be Before You Can Appreciate Being Happy” was widely circulated on social media. Now, I don’t know many people who desire to be broke in any way. But having read the seven

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paNASH passion and career coaching
Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

A New Vision

You may notice a new look to the paNASH web site, along with a new vision and mission for paNASH. I am excited about some wonderful changes soon taking place in services and offerings that are designed to help people discover and pursue their passions in life and career on

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