For Employers

Category: For Employers

continue working remotely
Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

How to Convince Your Employer to Let You Continue Working Remotely

Many of my clients want to continue working remotely ever since being required to during the pandemic. I get it. For those of us who like working remotely (myself included), it’s great. But there’s some bad news. According to the Nashville Business Journal, many companies are starting to call their

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hiring process
Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

4 Ways Employers Can Improve the Hiring Process

These posts are usually geared toward my regular audience of job seekers. But occasionally, I’ll write one for the audience of my audience: hiring managers. This week’s post is for both groups of readers, with an aim to help improve the hiring process, during and after the Great Resignation. Employers

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red flags
Career Change/Career Transition
Lori Bumgarner Béen

Stop! Watch Out For These 10 Red Flags in Your New Job

You’ve finally found a job and have accepted an offer. Maybe it’s an offer you’re extremely excited about. Or maybe it’s an offer you took just to have a paycheck until the right job comes along. Either way, it’s important to beware of any red flags you may notice in

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