
Category: Networking

continue working remotely
Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

How to Convince Your Employer to Let You Continue Working Remotely

Many of my clients want to continue working remotely ever since being required to during the pandemic. I get it. For those of us who like working remotely (myself included), it’s great. But there’s some bad news. According to the Nashville Business Journal, many companies are starting to call their

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job boards
Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

Why Online Job Boards Suck the Life Out of Your Job Search

When I first meet with potential clients, one of the questions I ask is how they are currently finding jobs to which they’re applying. Almost everyone responds the same way: “Through online job boards like Indeed and ZipRecruiter.” The next question I ask is, “How’s that working for you?” Nine

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adult child
Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

How NOT to Ruin Your Adult Child’s Career

Below is a re-post of a past blog topic. This re-post is timely and necessary, in that I’ve recently received emails from parents wanting me to work with their adult child. In addition, I’ve been seeing numerous news articles about why millennials are getting fired. If you’re the parent of

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manage your energy
Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

5 Ways to Manage Your Energy During Your Job Search

Conducting a job search can be draining, especially when facing multiple rejections. These rejections can take their toll on your energy. This is why it’s important to not only manage your time well during your job search, but also to manage your energy. Proper energy management requires you to be

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Lori Bumgarner Béen

5 Ways to Network Effectively in a Post-COVID Job Market

There’s no doubt the pandemic required a major change in how we network with people. Any and all methods of networking not already virtual were forced to move online. But now, people are craving face-to-face connection again. Especially since many jobs are still remote, and will likely stay this way.

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networking don't
Lori Bumgarner Béen

Networking Don’t: Why You Should Never Use Empty Flattery

While networking can be tricky, it should never involve trickery, which could cause your networking efforts to blow up in your face. There are several networking don’ts to avoid, which I’ve previously written about. One don’t I’d like to focus on today is empty flattery. Empty flattery, also known as

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Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

Do You Want to Take the Work Out of Networking? Here’s How

Networking can feel like, well, let’s just say it, work. Just the thought of it can trigger a sense of dread for a lot of people. This is especially true for introverts and job seekers currently unemployed. Because networking can often feel awkward and fake, it therefore feels like work.

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networking hacks
Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

What Are Some of the Best Networking Hacks for Your Job Search?

Everyone knows networking is the best way to find a job. But many networking efforts have been hampered the past year due to the pandemic. Now, we’re able to cautiously step back into traditional networking methods in some instances, while continuing to use virtual means when necessary. As a result,

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