Career Growth & Advancement

Category: Career Growth & Advancement

career decision
Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

5 Career Decision Mistakes People Make (And How to Avoid Them)

When faced with a career decision, it’s important avoid the common mistakes most people make. What are those mistakes? Let’s take a look. Mistake #1: Assuming there’s such a thing as a perfect job Recently, a former client contacted me to help him again with another job search. When I

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Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

Do You Really Need a Certification to Boost Your Career?

Clients often ask me if they need to obtain a certification to boost their careers. The answer isn’t always clear-cut, at least not for every client, and not for every industry. Benefits of certifications It’s obvious in some industries that a certain certification or license is a must to work

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diversify your career
Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

2 Ways to Diversify Your Career for Greater Success

It’s smart to diversify your career, just like it is to diversify your stock portfolio. Investing time, money, and energy into new skills can provide a big return in opportunities and income. But how do you diversify your career? There are a few simple ways you may have never thought

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Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

3 Ways Curiosity Can Give You an Advantage in Your Career

One of the top things employers seek in job candidates these days is curiosity. Curiosity is also one of the best tools for a successful career path. When you become curious about the following things, you’ll see a shift in the outlook of your career. Let your curiosity run wild

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unsolicited job opportunities
Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

Reverse Job Search: How to Deal With Unsolicited Job Opportunities

In last week’s post, I discussed ways job seekers can take advantage of the current job market created by the “Great Resignation.” As a follow-up, I want to illustrate how being honest about both your strengths and weaknesses, and developing good salary negotiation skills, can make a difference in a

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job offers
Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

How Do You Make the Right Choice Between Multiple Job Offers?

Last week I had a client who landed several interviews and job offers. Once she got past her initial excitement, she admitted some feelings of fear and nervousness. You might wonder why she’d feel nervous or scared about having numerous opportunities coming her way at once. But these feelings can

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room for improvement
Career Growth & Advancement
Lori Bumgarner Béen

Why There’s Always Room for Improvement in Your Career and Your Life

This week is the opening ceremonies of the Tokyo Olympics. My favorite Olympic event has always been women’s gymnastics, with diving being a close second. This YouTube video of what women’s gymnastics looked like in 1936 always cracks me up. What was once considered impressive, is now funny because it’s

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