Out-of-the-box Career Advice

Category: Out-of-the-box Career Advice

Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

The Greatest Coaches Share the Best Advice From Their Playbooks

Coaches’ advice for a successful career – Part 1 I know a lot of people have cancelled their Netflix accounts, and in many ways understandably so, especially since last week a Texas grand jury indicted Netflix for the film Cuties. But despite this controversial film, Netflix has some great documentaries

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Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

How to Stop Looking Desperate on LinkedIn

Most professionals have a LinkedIn profile, but typically say they don’t do anything with it. That is, until they need to start looking for another job. After their profile has sat dormant for months or even years, they will dust it off, update it, and do one of two things.

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new career coach
Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

paNASH Adds New Career Coach and More Services

Press release – new career coach and more services New career coach – Dr. Denisha S. Bonds paNASH LLC is excited to announce the addition of career coach Dr. Denisha S. Bonds. Dr. Bonds combines creativity and expertise to help clients design the careers of their dreams. She sees career

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Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

How to Protect Your Career While Homeschooling

If you’re a working parent, you may have had to temporarily quit your job to start homeschooling your children due to COVID-19. This unexpected career disruption could have long-term negative effects on the remainder of your career. Especially if you had to leave your job completely with no options to

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side hustle
Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

How to Market Your Side Hustle on Your Resume

The past several months I’ve written numerous blog posts covering topics related to doing a job search during the pandemic. This includes topics on how to create additional income streams when furloughed or laid off. It also includes topics on how to show employers in your next interview that you’ve

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your next interview
Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

Why You Need to Be Ready For Anything in Your Next Interview

Last week I wrote a post about possible questions you may face in your next interview. If you’re looking for work during the pandemic, you need to be ready to answer such questions. The questions I covered included: What did you do with your time while laid off or furloughed

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interview questions
Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

How to Answer These Important Pandemic Interview Questions

If you’re interviewing for a new job due to a COVID-related job loss, you want to of course prepare for commonly-asked interview questions. But you also need to prepare for some new interview questions brought on by the current pandemic. These pandemic interview questions could include: What did you do

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golden handcuffs
Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

How to Plot Your Escape From the Golden Handcuffs

So you’re thankful to still have a job in these current economic times, but you’re miserable in it. You’d love to escape the golden handcuffs to start your own thing. Now could be a good time to start plotting your escape so your business idea can be ready when the

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Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

How to Re-Direct Your Career in a Time of Uncertainty

My older brother is a unicorn. He’s been with the same company his entire career, almost as many years as I’ve been alive. This is extremely rare these days. Most people change companies (or even careers) seven to ten times in their lives. However, in all his years as a

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interview questions
Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

How to Handle the Most Pointless Interview Questions

In light of coronavirus times, one of my Facebook friends posted this the other day: “So in retrospect, in 2015, not a single person got the answer right to ‘Where do you see yourself five years from now?’” I commented: “This is reason enough to retire such an overused and

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online job boards
Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

What Are the Best Alternatives to Online Job Boards?

With all of those who’ve lost their jobs from the COVID-19 crisis, online job boards are expected to be flooded with job seekers once quarantine bans begin to lift and jobs start to re-open. Even before the virus, these boards have been filled with a sea of job seekers. This

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