Out-of-the-box Career Advice

Category: Out-of-the-box Career Advice

Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

19 Ways to Have a Successful Post-COVID Job Search

The pandemic changed a lot about the way we work. As a result, it changed a lot about the way we look for jobs. If you’re currently in the market for a job, the standard way of conducting a search won’t cut it anymore. You’re going to need some new

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nightmare job
Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

From Nightmare Job to Dream Career: One Man’s Story

If you’ve been reading this blog for a good amount of time, you’re probably familiar with my client Robert. When he first came to me, he was stuck in a corporate nightmare job. Some evenings, Robert would find himself curled up in the fetal position and near tears at the

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unsolicited job opportunities
Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

Reverse Job Search: How to Deal With Unsolicited Job Opportunities

In last week’s post, I discussed ways job seekers can take advantage of the current job market created by the “Great Resignation.” As a follow-up, I want to illustrate how being honest about both your strengths and weaknesses, and developing good salary negotiation skills, can make a difference in a

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Lori Bumgarner Béen

How to Know What Questions to Ask in a Job Interview

I’ve previously written on the importance of asking questions of your own when interviewing for a job. Not only do they help you make a wiser decision when it comes to multiple job offers, they also help you win the interview! But with various interview processes, and the latest changes

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Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

How to Avoid an Epic Fail When Networking

Networking often feels awkward, and can sometimes backfire, even with the best of intentions. Add to it the awkwardness and limitations of a pandemic, and you’ve got yourself a potential epic fail. We’ve all failed at least once in our networking strategies. This week, I want to provide some tips

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Out-of-the-box Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

Is Your Resume Not Working?

Maybe it’s time to approach résumé writing from a different angle If you’ve sent out hundreds of résumés and still aren’t getting interviews, maybe it’s time to re-think your resume. Most job seekers approach résumé writing from the wrong perspective. They think their résumé is about them, when in actuality, it’s

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job search strategies
Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

Are Your Job Search Strategies Not Working for You?

Maybe it’s time to try something different. If you’ve been at your job search for a while now and still aren’t seeing results, maybe it’s time for some new or different job search strategies. You’re probably familiar with the Albert Einstein quote, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and

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successful career
Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

More Coaches’ Advice For a Successful Career

Part 2 Last week, I shared with you the first five of ten rules for a successful career. These rules were garnered from the advice of some of the world’s greatest athletic coaches, as highlighted in the recent documentary series, The Playbook: A Coach’s Rules for Life. This week I’m

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