Can you believe 2018 is coming to an end? I can’t. This year has gone by so fast!
paNASH and many of paNASH’s clients have had so many great moments in 2018.
I worked hard this year to create more community among my clients by hosting a client-mixer in May, conducting monthly group coaching calls, and establishing a private Slack channel for my clients to serve as a resource for each other.
Also, paNASH was once again named one of the top 10 best coaches in Nashville by Expertise.com for the second year in a row.
Client Successes for 2018
Several paNASH clients are ending 2018 very differently from how they started it. They’ve experienced some major wins and successes.
These wins include leaving old jobs and landing new jobs, furthering their education, starting side hustles, and some even starting their own businesses.
For example:
New Jobs
One client left her previous job where there were no growth opportunities so she could attend coding school. A week before her graduation she landed a position with a well-respected company. She’d previously interviewed with this same company several years ago prior to receiving coaching but didn’t get an offer. Once she made a career change, the doors at this company opened up for her.
Another client who has a passion for politics landed a job with the Tennessee Secretary of State Tre Hargett, and said goodbye to her old job that was causing her extreme burnout.
Just last week, a client accepted an offer for his dream job. During his coaching sessions he repeatedly said, “I REALLY want this!” And he got it!
Side Hustles
You’ve already read this year about my client Robert who came to a crossroads of having to choose between a well-paying job that made him miserable and an opportunity that would grow his side hustle in animation and possibly turn into a full-time thing with one of Disney’s former top animators. (Click here for that amazing story!)
Speaking of side hustles, another paNASH client discovered a side hustle through our coaching sessions she’d never considered before: voice-over work. She’s started taking voice-over lessons and has already landed a few paying gigs. This allows her to make extra money and provides a creative outlet her current full-time job doesn’t provide.
Business Start-Ups and Creative Outlets
And speaking of finding creative outlets, another client who used to sing gained from her coaching experience the confidence to get back on stage, this time in a lead vocal role of a production of Little Shop of Horrors. She says:
Last year when I started on a new journey, I was apprehensive, and pretty freaked out. When I first met with Lori, she asked a lot of questions that I wasn’t totally sure of the answers. I went home after the first meeting and really pondered on these questions, and came to the conclusion that I needed help.
The first few sessions felt like I was going around in circles. As our time progressed, I began to feel like I was moving forward.
This past year I have really begun to open myself up to the possibilities in my life. I’m in the process of starting my own business. And I was presented with the opportunity to join the cast of Little Shop of Horrors.
I began to really think about when was the last time I’d taken a risk, and I was shocked. It had been ten years since my last risk which was moving to Nashville not knowing anyone.
So, I took a deep breath and said yes to the role in the musical which would allow me to pursue my passion for singing that I had lost after graduating from Belmont’s music program.
paNASH’s coaching has helped me rediscover my former passions and discover new ones. But most of all it’s given me the confidence to pursue them. This year has proven to be astounding.
A few months after the stage production, my client took another risk by adopting a 13-year-old girl with her husband!
Then there’s the client who got married and started a business with her new husband that’s growing so fast they can barely keep up with the demand. The business not only lines up with both of their experience and passions, but also has a strong market.
I always get excited when I see my clients successfully pursue their passions by using the skills and courage gained from their coaching sessions.
What about you?
As we close out 2018, can you look back on the past year and see that you’ve made some major inroads toward your own goals?
Are you where you wanted to be at the end of 2018?
If not, why? Is it simply because you’re still working toward those goals?
Or is it because you haven’t started yet? If you haven’t started, why not?
Do you really want to find yourself in the same place again this time next year?
The Good News
The good news is, come January 1st you get a clean slate of 365 days to work with. Start by trying to answer these three questions:
- What’s one new experience you want to have in 2019?
- What’s one way you can step out of your comfort zone in the new year?
- What goals do you want to achieve in 2019?
Don’t let another year pass you by. Learn how to achieve all of the above with a complimentary 8-Step Goal-Achievement Plan by subscribing to the paNASH newsletter.
If you’re already a subscriber, then perhaps your next step is to try some coaching sessions. To learn more, complete the paNASH intake form. There are no obligations to filling out the form, so you have nothing to lose!
Happy new year!
Related Posts:
- Make 2018 the Year of the Right Regrets
- When is the Right Time to Leave Your Job?
- You Don’t Have to Be a Slave to a Paycheck