
Tag: interviewing

thank you notes
Career Etiquette
Lori Bumgarner Béen

How to Write the Best Thank You Notes for Your Interviews

Update: I failed to clarify early on in the original post that a type written thank you note should be sent via snail mail. Thank you to one of my readers for bringing this to my attention! This is the month we celebrate thanksgiving. Therefore, it’s only fitting to have

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interview questions
Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

How to Handle the Most Pointless Interview Questions

In light of coronavirus times, one of my Facebook friends posted this the other day: “So in retrospect, in 2015, not a single person got the answer right to ‘Where do you see yourself five years from now?’” I commented: “This is reason enough to retire such an overused and

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video interviews
Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

How to Make Phone and Video Interviews Run More Smoothly

I have a few clients who’ve done video interviews in recent weeks due to COVID-19. While phone and video interviews are nothing new, at least not to first-round interview screenings, they’ve temporarily replaced all in-person job interviews during the quarantine. Companies are likely to continue holding remote interviews throughout the

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top 10
Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

Here Are the Top 10 Most Popular paNASH Blog Posts of 2019

Can you believe we’ve reached not only the end of another year but also the end of another decade? I’ve been writing much of the past decade, and for the past four years I’ve been writing blog posts on topics related to pursuing your passions and finding new work and

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Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

Did You Get Ghosted After Your Interview? What to Do Now

This is a re-post of a previous blog of mine on the topic of interview ghosting. The post has gone viral on Medium, and I was interviewed by The Wall Street Journal about the same topic this past summer. Since tomorrow is Halloween, I thought it would be appropriate to

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never say
Interview Prep
Lori Bumgarner Béen

5 Things You Should Never Say in a Job Interview

I get a lot of questions from clients asking what they should say in a job interview when responding to common interview questions. But rarely does someone ask me what they should never say in a job interview. However, this knowledge is just as important (if not more!) than the

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greatest weakness
Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

How to Answer “What Is Your Greatest Weakness?”

It’s the interview question every job candidate dreads: “What is your greatest weakness?” And there’s been a lot of bad advice out there telling candidates they should say things like, “I’m too much of a perfectionist.” Or, “I work too hard.” I call bullsh*t. And so does the interviewer who’s

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job interview
Interview Prep
Lori Bumgarner Béen

What Is the Best Way to Describe Yourself in a Job Interview?

It can be difficult to talk about yourself in a job interview. A lot of people feel uncomfortable discussing their strengths in an interview because they feel like they have to be good at sales to sell themselves. Or, they feel like they’re bragging and they were taught it’s rude

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Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

How to Be Patient When You’re In Between Jobs

Patience. They say it’s a virtue. Probably because it’s something rare. In today’s world, we don’t have to be as patient because we’ve grown accustomed to technology that provides instant results. But patience is something I’ve been trying to learn for a very long time. I’m definitely seeing improvement, but

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behavioral interview questions
Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

The Secret to Answering Behavioral Interview Questions

“Tell me about a time when…” UGH! Behavioral interview questions. No job seeker enjoys answering these questions. Myself included. They’re just as dreaded as the “What’s your greatest weakness?” question. I can remember back in grad school doing my first mock interview with the career center on campus. It was

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Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

How to Avoid Stereotypes That Hurt Your Child’s Career

Millennials and Gen Z’ers sometimes get a bad rap for not having the ability to appropriately handle unpleasant obstacles. But there’s one millennial who is defying all the stereotypes. Her name is Kristen Hadeed. She’s the owner of a successful business she started while in college which now employees over

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