April 2016

Month: April 2016

cookie-cutter resume
Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

paNASH Success Story: Client finds job after just 4 sessions

Since transitioning from a fasionista to a “passionista” in the first quarter of 2016, I am already seeing success in my new clients’ pursuit of their passions, especially when it comes to their careers. For instance, last week one of my clients who has been out of a work for

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Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

3 Excuses Keeping You In Your Comfort Zone

Yesterday I read a great post by Nashville’s own Allison Fallon entitled “3 Excuses That Keep Smart, Creative People Trapped.” I wanted to share her insights here because they’re so relevant for my readers. When considering taking on a new coaching client, one of the questions I ask in the

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Career Advice
Lori Bumgarner Béen

Strive For Completion, Not Perfection

In coaching clients on how to answer commonly asked interview questions, I always tell them not to use the canned answer, “I’m too much of a perfectionist,” for the “What is your greatest weakness?” question for several reasons. One, it’s just that, a “canned answer” and recruiters know that. They’ve

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Failure = Success
Lori Bumgarner Béen

Failure = Success

Well, Monday night’s NCAA championship game didn’t turn out as I had hoped. My Carolina Tar Heels lost and I was sad. My heart broke for the players, especially the seniors, as tears welled up in their eyes immediately after the buzzer went off and they realized the game was

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